Travel Grab and Go Kits

Whenever I travel, I try to be as prepared as possible. So prepared that my friends call me “Mary Poppins” because they know if they need something, I probably have it in my bag.

This past week, I sent all 3 of kids to different sleep-away camps. I made them each little “Mary poppins” kits to take with them so they were prepared for most situations.

In this post, I will detail how I put these together and what I included! I started with these containers for any medicine they might need. I love these little containers because they are small enough to carry around in a small bag or fanny pack but can hold a lot. I also like that they come with labels so you don’t forget what you put in each compartment.

When we go on longer trips, I take this slightly bigger medicine organizer because it can hold blister packs and it’s totally magnetic.

Meds I never leave home without…

1) Activated Charcoal. I wish I would have known about this stuff 5 years ago when I got the worst food poisoning in my life in China. It has saved me many times since then. Take it with any kind of tummy trouble like upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc…

2) Digestive Enzyme. I just started bringing this one along with us this year and it’s awesome! If you know you are going to eat something that may upset your stomach, take this preemptively. It will save you from feeling gassy. You can also take it right after you eat and it helps a ton.

3) Gas-x. Another stomach med, lol. I love the extra-strength chewable in mint flavor. 1-2 of these can save you from a lot of embarrassing moments. Take at the first sign of prolonged gas.

4) Mucinex DM. This is great if you get plugged up. I get sinus infections easily and this has saved me from painful plane rides. You need to get the most powerful version from behind the counter at the pharmacy. It clears you right up! It is not for kids though so keep that in mind.

5) Ibuprofen or Tylenol. I never leave home without some kind of pain killer. I usually buy this in bulk at Costco and divide it into smaller containers. It’s essential to have this in everyone’s travel kit.

6) Benadryl. You never know when you are going to have an allergic reaction and Benadryl has come in handy many times. I love the dye-free capsule form because it is easy to travel with.

7) Wellness Formula. This vitamin is a game changer. It can stop just about any cold or flu in it’s tracks if you start taking it at the first sign of symptoms. You take 6 of them at a time and you can take it several times a day. I took it when I had covid and my symptoms only lasted 2 days because I caught it in time.

8) Airborne. If you or your kids can’t stand swallowing pills, Airborne in chewable form will do the trick. They aren’t as clean or effective as the Wellness Formula but they do help fight off sickness.

9) Nyquil/Dayquil. Having this on hand has definitely come in handy when someone gets sick while we are traveling. I don’t keep this in my kids’ kits but I take it in my personal one just in case.

10) Sleep aids. I bring either Advil PM or Melatonin on every trip because I almost always have a hard time sleeping in a new place. Taking one Advil PM does the trick for me.

11) Imodium. It only takes one bout of food poisoning to make you want to take this stuff everywhere. Thankfully we haven’t had to use it that often but I’ve been so glad I have it when someone gets diarrhea. No one has time to be near a toilet all day!

12) Magnesium. This is must bring for me. I usually have a hard time “going” when I travel just like a lot of people do. I take 2 of these every night before I go to sleep every single day and it keeps me “regular” which makes every trip so much better!

12) Band-aids. Obviously, these are not a supplement or medicine but they are definitely essential to have in your kit. I never leave home without at least in few in my bag.

Essentials Bag

I like to bring a zippered pouch like this to carry my favorite travel essentials. I would recommend putting these items in a clear container so you can always see what’s inside. Here is what I always pack…

1) Tide pen. Miracle worker for clothing stains when you are out and about.

2) Wisps disposable toothbrushes. I started bringing these on every international flight so I could attempt having a clean mouth for landing. Then I realized that I always want a clean mouth, lol. Now I always carry them in my bag. My kids with braces love having this handy to brush after eating too.

3) Tissues. Another thing I never leave home without.

4) Nasal allergy spray - I prefer generic versions of Nasacort and Flonase. You can find them at Costco if you can’t find them online.

5) Blisstick - friction stick. This is game changer for preventing blisters when you are walking a lot. I have saved many feet, including my own, with this stick. You can also carry this blister bandages too if you already have developed a blister. They make you feel good as new.

6) Sea-bands. I keep 2 sets of these handy. They help with car/airplane sickness, amusement park rides and, of course, sea sickness. If you follow instructions, these work like a charm.

7) Anti-bacterial wipes. I feel like I use these every single trip!

8) Little hair emergency kit. I have been carrying a little kit like this in my travel bag and gym bag for years. It’s perfect for so many instances.

9) Active skin repair. I started using this stuff a year ago and it is AMAZING. It works so well on sun burns, scrapes, rashes, minor cuts and so much more. I even burned my ear with my hair straightener and sprayed it on right after it happened. I never developed a blister! I don’t understand the technology of this stuff but I can just tell you that it works!

This is a great start to making grab and go travel kits for you and your family. I hope you found it useful! If you think there is something else we all need to add, please comment!